About this Commercial Window Cleaning job
More information about how this Commercial Window Cleaning job was carried out
Every new job starts with a free quotation to establish what needs to be cleaned, and the level of clean which needs to be carried out, in this case, there was a lot of overspray on the windows which needed to be removed as a result of having their window frames newly painted using a spray paint. As these were large windows, there would be extra equipment required to achieve the desired results.

As a first clean, each window would need extra time spent inside and out to get the glass into the best shape possible. Each pane of glass is floor to ceiling so there was a lot of surface area to cover.

Starting at the inside, each window was worked on separately, first soaping up the window and then using a squeegee to remove the soap from the window, these enabled us to see what was dirt and was paint over spray. On a second pass we then soaped up the window again and used scrapers which are metal razor blades which have been specifically designed for our industry. This removes the paint without scratching the glass but is a time-consuming process. This needed to be repeated for each window inside and out.

The outside windows were cleaned by water fed pole system, which cleans the windows with a brush system. A similar process was undertaken on the outside using heated water and scrapers, to first wash the dirt from the windows and then to heat up the over spray on the glass, to make the paint removal via scraper an easier process.

The results from these processes were perfectly clean windows and frames, and any flaws or defects in the glass recorded and noted to be passed onto management.
Signage was also cleaned on site, as with the recent installation process, there was a lot of dust on the signage which needed to be removed. Keeping on top of these processes keep the building looking tidy, presentable and inviting to new potential customers.
If you have a large commercial property in need of a clean, please get in touch today for a no obligation quote.

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